MUMBAI: With International Women’s Day just around the corner, TV actors get candid about the women in their lives and how they make them better human beings.
Mohammad Nazim
A woman plays a very important role in a man's life. A man's life is incomplete without a woman. A woman has to play various roles of a mother, sister, wife, daughter, in a man's life.The most important woman in my life are my mother and my sisters. They are very close to me and the ost importanat of my life. They always motivate me and they are the pillars pf my life.
Khalid Siddiqui
A woman plays a very important role in a man's life. The existence of a man is more because of a woman, who gives birth to him and nurtures him. Men are dependent emotionally on women, starting from their mother to sister to their partner and their existence in a man’s life is crucial, like two sides of the same coin. They can either take you to great heights by their support or they can also destroy you. As we have seen the great wars were fought because of a woman, be it Mahabharat or war of Troy. Women, I believe, should be handled with love and care, as their existence in a man’s life is irreplaceable.
Ssharad Malhotra
She anchors a man's life and is the backbone without whose love and support, a man would crumble to pieces. I truly believe that behind every successful man, there has to be a woman. My mother has been the most important woman in my life and is solely responsible for all my achievements and successes and making me the person I am today.
Rushad Rana
A woman plays the most important role in a man's life. Be it a mother, wife, sister, they play an important part in life. Life would be incomplete without women in our lives. I can't imagine my life without my mother. A mother is someone who not only nurtures you but she basically is the foundation of the kind of human being you are and human being you become.
Bhanujeet Singh Sudan
A woman plays a very important role in man's life. A woman has to play various roles of a mother, sister, wife, daughter, in a man's life. For me, the most important woman in my life is my mother and then comes the turn of my sister. My mother is the one who has given me life, nurtured and taken care of me and made me a good human being. So, she plays a very important role in my life.
Tarun Khurana
Women play the most important role in this universe. I admire my mother. She gave me birth and an excellent upbringing. She imparted important morals and values to me and made me who I am today.
Krishna Bharadwaj
Woman for me means divinity, godliness. And divinity resides in each and every living being on this Earth. So eventually the existence of mankind is impossible without women. And they have the most important role in anybody's life. Because the strength, the sacrifice, the amount of love, they possess in their heart is incomparable.
My mother is one such lady. She's my everything. I'm her son and she's my daughter. I love her the most in this world
Piyush Sahadev
Of course, women play a very important role in a man's life!
without women, man is nothing.
She is a one who gives birth to the man, she is one who stays with a man all her life like a companion.She is the one who fills a man's life with happiness and joy when she takes birth as a daughter. The best woman in my life is always my mother.
Without her support and without her dream I would not have been able to come to Mumbai.
It was her dream to see me as an actor and she wanted me to achieve big and today whatever I am is because of my mother.
She is not with me physically but I can always feel her around
I love you mummy!

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