As actors, one has to go beyond the realms of one’s own personality and yet be in touch with it. It is not easy to work long hours, look fresh and lively in front of the camera, remember the lines, maintain the body so on and so forth on an empty stomach. As the month of Ramadan is nearing its end, our favourite TV actors reveal the challenges of keeping Roza on the sets of their shows.
Sara Arfeen Khan: Whether I am working or not, keeping Rozas every year is a must for me. Unless I am ill or travelling, I make sure to fast. Although many people find it tough to fast during shoots, it has never been tough for me. When one has pure intention and determination to fast, everything becomes easy. The only difference is that I don’t talk too much on the set, so that I can conserve my energy. During Iftari, I love eating fruits and drinking lemonade. I fast every year and I keep all the Rozas. It's very important to eat the right kind of food. I avoid eating heavy and spicy food during this time.
Mohammad Nazim: Ramzan is an important time for me. This is the time when my unit is with me to break the fast, even if we are not on the sets. Of course, we have a wonderful time. Besides fasting, I also concentrate on doing good deeds during this time. This holy month helps us understand the value of everything that we have in life especially food and Allah and how to respect them. For Iftar, I have dates and lots of fruits.
Hasan Zaidi: I used to love to fast during Ramzaan, however, I have not been able to since the last five years because of health reasons. I am not allowed to stay hungry or thirsty for long. But my family members keep it every year. The holy month is all about being able to control yourself; understand the value of food and be close to God. Of course, we pray a lot and concentrate on doing good deeds. While North Indians have a lot of fried stuff in Iftari, we concentrate on having fruits and dates. For actors, of course it becomes a little hard to fast as they have to concentrate on working out and bulking up and therefore need to follow a different diet.
Eijaz Khan: I started keeping Roza from a very young age. In fact, I was just seven. And I used to love fasting. Now that I am working, it gets tough to fast. Most of the time, it’s not possible to tell my directors or producers that I am fasting so I can’t do a particular scene. So I make sure that the day I am fasting, I avoid doing scenes where I have to smoke, drink or eat. But of course, doing this for a month is tough. Reaching the set on time is a struggle as well because energy levels are very low. But I still make it a point to fast every year. I am yet to fast this year. The schedules are hectic because of a special sequence in the show. I am trying to see if I can keep Roza on at least some days this year.
Adaa Khan: I have been keeping Rozas since childhood. But this year, I was not well and was even admitted to the hospital because of a stomach infection. Plus, I am also shooting on a daily basis; I have decided to fast on selective days. Fasting is a way to cleanse yourself. I will keep Roza as soon as I am feeling a little better.

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