One of the most trying things a parent can go through is giving their kids the right parvarish aka upbringing. What happens when two anxious mothers take parenting tips from each other and help their kids grow and lead successful lives?
Yes, that’s what Sony TV’s show Parvarrish 2 is all about…read on to find out why every parent must watch this:
Relatable story:
This is the story of every family, every kid and every parent. We have all gone through the same issues of teen years, the arguments with our parents the peer pressure that comes with teenage. This show not only sheds true light on the situation, but also shows us what we are actually doing in our homes. Whether right or wrong is for us to judge.
The mother-daughter equilibrium:
Somehow, it’s the mother who takes the most pains in the parvarish of her kids. Not to sound sexist, but women have a certain chemical in them called ‘motherly instinct’, which makes them proactive in the childcare department. The realistic mother-daughter equilibrium is a must-watch for every mother out there.
Great acting skills:
Both Gautami Kapoor (as the independent, working woman) and Sangita Ghosh (as the small town mum) are fiery, classy and superb as the protective mothers. They show us that what women can do for their families, how much they can sweat it out, and what all they can handle. Like. A. Boss.
Tips galore:
From tips on how to tackle tantrums to maintaining the correct equation with your kids, there’s a lot you can learn from the show. Sometimes, being a pushy parent can drive your kids away from you. What you consider a good parvarish can ultimately be smothering.
Are you glued to the show like we are? If not, start watching it already! All you kids out there, it’s time to tell your parents what you’ve been wanting to them all this while…

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