MUMBAI : Poonam found a burnt photo of Raj and Priyanka near the temple and wondered who could do such a cheap act. Pankhuri recalled being caught by Ashok. Ashok, who was drunk and couldn’t remember things well, called out for Pankhuri. She explained that the priest had matched Raj and Priyanka’s horoscopes, and they didn’t match, so she kept their photo in the temple, and it got burnt by a lamp. Raj expressed his disbelief in these traditional beliefs and said he trusted his love for Priyanka. Sumeet added that even her horoscope didn’t match well with Shlok, but their relationship was strong.
Also read - Meet Badlegi Duniya Ki Reet: Values! Meet explains a father’s value, asks Manmeet to support his family
Shlok felt he had made a mistake by not consulting Sumeet before signing a contract with Sakshi, but he was determined to prevent any wrongdoing. Meanwhile, Shagun asked Sakshi to see how Shlok was receiving extensive media coverage. Dadi and Poonam arrived, and Sakshi concealed her face to avoid being seen by them. They teased Shagun for being jealous of Shlok’s success and advised her to end her revenge game and let them enjoy their happiness. They left, suggesting that Shagun share sweets with her friend.
Shagun confided in Sakshi about her desire to see Shlok and Sumeet completely ruined. Sakshi suggested a calming exercise and assured Shagun that things would unfold as she wished. She mentioned her plan to break Shlok if he falls from a great height.
Shlok urged Sumeet to hurry, and Poonam fed him curd and sugar for good luck. Music producer Mr. Amani asked Sumeet if she had discussed Shlok’s collaboration with him, but she informed him that Shlok had already chosen to work with Sakshi. The producer warned her that if Shlok worked with Sakshi, he wouldn’t be allowed to work with anyone else. This left Sumeet wondering.
When the lamp went out, Sumeet asked Shlok to reconsider his decision. Shlok assured her that he only had to sing, and the company didn’t matter. Sumeet decided to accompany Shlok. Shlok received his new car from Sakshi’s manager, dropped his helmet, and Sumeet felt hurt. However, he explained that he’d keep it in the car to remind him of how she always stood by his side.
As Shlok was about to sign the contract with Sakshi alongside Sumeet, he encountered the cab driver who had taunted him earlier. Shlok began humiliating the driver, but Sumeet intervened, insisting that he stick to his values and help the person in need. Later, she spotted Pankhuri outside a pharmacy and confronted her, but Pankhuri made excuses and left. When Sumeet and Shlok arrived at the music company, they were shocked to find Shagun in Sakshi’s office.
Also read - Meet Badlegi Duniya Ki Reet: Values! Meet explains a father’s value, asks Manmeet to support his family

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