MUMBAI: Actor Aadesh Chaudhary, who is part of the web series Chitta Ve and has been part of Sasural Simar Ka, Laal Ishq, Diya Aur Baati Hum, Desh Ki Beti Nandini, Main Lakshmi Tere Aangan Ki, Doli Armaano Ki, among others, says that happiness and joy hold great importance for him. However, he adds that the feeling of being content in life cannot be compared to anything else.
“Happiness and contentment are not the same for me. Happiness is a feeling of joy and elation, while contentment is a state of being satisfied and at peace with one's life,” he says. Ask him what makes him the happiest, and he says, “Spending time with loved ones, pursuing my passion for acting, and achieving my goals make me the most happy.”
He adds, “I cheer my mood on a gloomy day by listening to music, watching a funny movie, or going for a workout. Sometimes, I also call a friend or family member to talk and lift my spirits. My ultimate idea of happiness and peace is living a life that is true to myself, pursuing my passions, and being surrounded by loving relationships. It's about finding a sense of purpose and fulfilment, and being at peace with myself and the world around me.”
Talking about ways to be content, he says, “I make it a point to reflect on the things I'm grateful for each day, no matter how small they may seem. Doing what I love is also important to me, whether it's acting or other hobbies. This gives me a sense of purpose and happiness. I prioritise self-care by getting enough sleep, eating well, and exercising regularly. This helps me maintain a positive mood and energy levels.”
Ask him how he foresees next year, and he says, “In 2025, I plan to take on new acting challenges and explore different genres and roles. I also want to learn new skills, such as playing a musical instrument, to broaden my creative horizons.”
He adds, “I'm interested in learning more about mindfulness and meditation to improve my mental well-being and focus.”
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