MUMBAI : TV actress Ashi Singh recently joined the cast of Aladdin: Naam Toh Suna Hoga to play the role of Yasmine. She replaced Avneet Kaur in the fantasy show. The actress, who started shooting for the show recently spoke about how she took a lot of time to think about accepting the project. Recently, Ashi shared that she took up the show as staying at home for three-and-a-half months doing nothing, started affecting her mentally, but at the same time she was nervous of working during the pandemic.
"Actually, more than my parents it was very difficult for me to convince myself to start working again. I had given the audition for it but even post that I thought a lot whether I should take up the show or not. I contemplated a lot over whether I should take up the show or just be at home for another 4-5 months. But the truth is that after staying at home for such a long time, it had started affecting me mentally and it was very frustrating as I had become non-productive. We know that the virus is not going to go away so easily and the vaccine will also not be out so soon in the market. I knew this fact that I can't stay at home permanently and I have to step out and do something. Then why not this. As far as my parents are concerned they trust me completely and feel if I have said yes to something, I must have thought over it a lot," she shared.
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Ashi also talked about the precautions she is taking now after she has resumed shooting, "As I told you I did not step out of the house for three and a half months, so I did not have to bother about anything. But now whenever I return home, I keep my shoes out of the house. I straight come inside and head to my room, take a bath and sanitise all the stuff that I have used. I do not keep my stuff outside for anyone to touch or use it. I try to sleep also early by 9 pm so that I am not in contact with my family once I return home. So, even if I interact with my family it is from a distance. Earlier, whenever I returned home, the first thing I would do is hug my mother. Now, I have stopped doing that," she said.
The actress further explained that when she is on the sets she goes through the mixed feelings of excitement and nervousness, "Yes, the thought of the virus is always there at the back of my mind. I am very scared about this coronavirus. I did not step out of my house for three and a half months during the lockdown. And now I am working, going out everyday to shoot. When I am on the set there is always a mixed feeling. I am excited that I am working even at this time and I have a show and at the same time I also feel nervous. It is always there at the back of my mind that we have to stay away from everyone, maintain social distancing, use sanitizers, we have to take all the precautions. But what if I still get the virus and come back home with it, I have a five-year-old niece, and also have my parents, so it is indeed scary. I do take all the precautions that I can. It is scary I won't deny that," concluded Ashi.
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Credits: TOI
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