MUMBAI: Just yesterday, Parth Samthaan took to his social media handle to inform his friends and followers that he was tested positive for Coronavirus. Actor has reportedly resumed shooting for Ekta Kapoor’s famous show Kasautii Zindagii Kay 2. Following the precautionary measures, new Bajaj of the show, Karan Patel also confirmed that he too will get himself tested. Parth in his Insta post disclosed that he has mild symptoms and urged everyone who had met the actor in the past few days to get themselves tested.
While speedy recovery wishes have been pouring in for the actor from his fans and friends, Ekta Kapoor too wished him the same as she shared the teaser of his debut web show Mai Hero Boll Raha Hu. Ekta wrote alongside the trailer, “Get well soon Parth! @the_parthsamthaan ‘Kasauti...’ is waiting for its ‘Hero’ !” In the video, Parth is seen sporting the look of a gangster while having a swagger walk. Commenting on Ekta’s Insta post, former Komolika aka Hina Khan too sent her wishes for Parth. She wrote, “He’s a fighter.”
Only yesterday did the KZK2 star inform his fans about him being tested positive for Corona on Instagram. He wrote, “Hi everyone , I have been tested Postive for covid 19 .although I have mild symptoms.. I would urge and request everyone whose been with me in close promitixy over the last few days please go and get yourself tested . The Bmc has regularly been in touch and with the doctors guidance I am in self quarantine and I am grateful to them for all their support . Please be safe and take care”
Meanwhile, talking about his character of a gangster Parth Samthaan said, “I am extremely excited about this new project as it is my first full-fledged web venture with ALTBalaji. It’s a gangster-based show from the 90s and my character is inspired by a true story. I have been known for playing a perfect hero kind on television which has received immense love from my fans and audience. With this show, I am venturing into completely new territory and viewers will get to see me in a completely different avatar than what I have played so far, including Kasautii. The character has its own machismo, attitude, glamour style from the 90s and far from the usual stuff.”
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credits: spotboye
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