A decade ago, she defied convention to marry a man belonging to another religion, nealy 10 years her junior.
Today, Amrita Singh, on whom the media used adjectives like firebrand and outspoken liberally, is a mellowed down, slimmer version of the original. Seperation from star hubby Saif Ali Khan has, according to her, brought her back to the only zone she was always comfortable with - acting.
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Wed, 12/15/2004 - 12:27

A decade ago, she defied convention to marry a man belonging to another religion, nealy 10 years her junior.
Today, Amrita Singh, on whom the media used adjectives like firebrand and outspoken liberally, is a mellowed down, slimmer version of the original. Seperation from star hubby Saif Ali Khan has, according to her, brought her back to the only zone she was always comfortable with - acting.
On Tuesday, Amrita faced the cameras after nine long years, for Balaji Telefilms' forthcoming Star Plus show Kavyanjali. Outspoken she still is, to a degree. "I am back to work primarily for survival," she says, tossing that famous mane of auburn hair. "Whatever people may say about my financial status, the truth is that I need money. I have two kids to raise."
Offers were aplenty after Amrita decide to return to work this August. One of the first came from Ekta, but there were offers from other channels as well, she says. "It's just that the combination of Ekta and Star is the best security I could have asked for," she laughs.
Amrita has never been a TV buff, but her nine year old daughter Sarah is an ardent Kyunki... fan. "She is thrilled that I have taken to wearing sarees and jewelry, at least on the sets, instead of the jeans that I always sport," laughs Amrita.
Acting in Kavyanjali, where she plays mother to Kavya, daughter in law to veteran actress Vidya Sinha and granddaugter in law to another veteran, Achala Sachdev, will take at least 15 to 18 days of a month. The rest, she wants to devote to her children, who are clearly Amrita' lifeline.
She is yet to taste the hectic pace of television shoots, she admits. "Perhaps, in a month or so, even I will be stressed and burnt out, and tearing my hair out!" she grins. We hope not.







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