MUMBAI: While we are sitting at home and getting a chance to create some new memories with our loved ones, there is a huge population outside walking their way back home. We are crying over the things we are not getting during this lockdown, while they are just walking with the hope of reaching their homes as soon as they can, they don't want anything else. This lockdown has taught us about our privileges and how we should feel lucky to have what we have. And writer Sumrit Shahi feels the same.
He says that he never acknowledged his privileges before but looking at the hardship people are facing during this lockdown, he feels very fortunate.
(Also read: Sumrit Shahi: TV content is still tacky and regressive)
"I think I have realised two things during this lockdown, first that I have never acknowledged my privileges so much as I have in this lockdown because I have really realised how fortunate I am that I don’t have to go through so many hardships that other people have to and it’s very important to acknowledge that because that brings in a sense of gratitude.
"The second is that this lockdown has made us realise that chasing money, fame and material goods is just futile if you don’t have good health so do all of that but at the same time prioritize your life. And it has also helped me to connect with my old acquaintance," he said.
Sumrit has written shows like "Sadda Haq - My life, my choice", " Boyz" and "Pyar Tune Kya Kia", among others. Talking about "shot-at-videos" as the new normal in the industry, he says it is exciting but at the same time it is very challenging too. He even wrote a series called "Bhalla Calling Bhalla" which was shot at home with the director on Zoom call.
He said, "We have found new dynamic ways of taking forward visual storytelling. I have actually written a series called 'Bhalla Calling Bhalla' which was shot by the actors with their own cameras and the director on Zoom call. It's new and writing for it was also challenging because of lack of physical spaces. But it was also exciting because you are trying to create something new. It's an enjoyable but challenging process."
He also spoke about the financial hit the industry is facing and said, "There has been a definite economic hit to everyone across the industry and even as a writer I have been feeling that. However, I will be honest that I am more than grateful that there is still work that is happening in comparison to all those people who have not been able to sustain their jobs. So I am pretty ok with the new way of function."
Sumrit, who belongs to Chandigarh, had left for his home town a week before the lockdown was announced and said the situation is better there.
"I went back to Chandigarh on 13th March so after Holi, I got sick because of playing with water and the general viral temperature. So, being hypochondriac I went to get tested at Kasturba and they turned me away so I did not go home I went back to the airport and took a flight and came to Chandigarh."
"Though Chandigarh is in the red zone, the situation is still better as compared to Mumbai because the population is less," Sumrit signed off.
(Also read: Sumrit Shahi talks about his writings, Never Kiss Your Best Friend and his tryst with success)

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