Veteran TV and theatre actor <a href=>Rajendra Gupta</a>, who plays the wise Babujii in SAB TV’ s popular show Chidiya Ghar, feels that what works for this Ashwini Dhir production is its diverse and interesting characters.
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Fri, 02/08/2013 - 17:17

Veteran TV and theatre actor Rajendra Gupta, who plays the wise Babujii in SAB TV’ s popular show Chidiya Ghar, feels that what works for this Ashwini Dhir production is its diverse and interesting characters.
“We have a talented bunch of writers who etch out each and every nuance and quirk very well. What I also think is clicking is the fact that at the end of every episode there is a underlying message, which is being sent to society. Normally if you try to propagate the same through speeches, it won’t be taken, but since it is being shown in a lighter vein here, it is being accepted,” he reasons.
Rajendra ji who gained fame as Pandit Jagannath in super hit 90’s fantasy show Chandrakanta, has no qualms accepting that its recent sequel Kahani Chandrakanta Ki (Sahara One) had tanked. “There were several reasons for it. Firstly, the original series on Doordarshan had a very much passionate producer in Nirja Guleri and writer Kamleshswar who really loved the concept.(Devaki Nandan Khatri’s book of the same name). Unfortunately, that was missing this time around. Also. (let’s face it ) the budgets were quite low as well.” He further adds , “this is not the first time a remake on the small screen has tanked be it, Nukkad Karamchand etc I guess you can’t repeat the same magic all over again just to make money,” the senior actor observes.
Before concluding, Rajandra ji hopes that serious intelligent content like Tamas will return to TV. “Sadly, today we are following the herd mentality,” he quips. This father of actress Ravee Gupta also refused to buy the argument given by most TV guys that the audience is also responsible for the kind of content they are fed with. “The public can only choose from what they are offered and secondly they are not educationally aware yet,” he maintains.







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