MUMBAI: Udaariyan actor Kamal Dadialla has been a well-known face on Indian Television. She was recently seen in the show Udaariyaan as Satti Kaur Sandhu who played the role of Jasmine aka Isha Malviya’s mom in the show. She made headlines due to her feud with actress and co-star Isha Malviya, who played Satti and Jasmine respectively.
Also Read-Udaariyaan: Huge Storm! Ekam’s father suffers cardiac arrest, Naaz plays a mind game
Kamal who is currently seen in the show Dil Ko Raffu Karrlei starring Ayesha Khan and Karan V Grover. Looks like the actress is unwell and her picture raised some concerns. She has shared a picture with an IV in her hand.
She captioned the picture, “Take all the time sometime u just need rest n recover”
Check out her picture below;
We wish Kamal a speedy recovery.
Also Read-Wow! Udaariyan: Ekam aka Hitesh pays tribute to Hrithik Roshan in this new Udaariyaan promo
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