MUMBAI: The episode begins with Rhea informing Priyanka that Sanju has agreed for their plan. But Priyanka wants Abhi to be there to see how characterless Prachi is. Rhea decides to call her father to check where he is. Priyanka also wonders to know that Sanju has suddenly agreed for their plan. Rhea also feels that there might be something fishy. So she goes to check it out. Meanwhile, Abhi, Pragya and Madhu enter the house as the electricity comes back. Abhi praises himself for the same but Pragya doesn’t give him credit. Madhu laugh at Abhi. In the mean time Rhea takes Sanju upstairs. Then she calls Abhi asking him about his location. Rhea asks Abhi to come back home as soon as possible as she wants Abhi to see their plan. Abhi on the other hand wants Rhea to come to Pragya’s house. Rhea asks him to come and take her where he wants. Pragya is lighting up the diyas so she isn’t aware about Abhi talking to Rhea.
Abhi is happy as he wants Rhea to clear all the misunderstandings about her mother once she meets Pragya. Abhi tells Pragya that he will be back with a surprise for her. Pragya tells him that she needs to go to Mr. Mehra’s house but by then Abhi leaves from there. Madhu tells Pragya to go to Mehra mansion and if Abhi comes back she assures to ask him to wait. Pragya (Sriti Jha) asks Madhu to ask Abhi to wait for her as she will come back soon. Meanwhile, Rhea asks Sanju about the change in his decision of agreeing to her plan. Sanju recollects the moment he saw Prachi with Ranbir. He tells Rhea that he doesn’t want to be late in winning Prachi’s heart so he wants to take a short cut. Rhea gets convinced. She calls a waiter in the room. She instructs the waiter to serve the drink which will have drug to Prachi and Sanju. Rhea tells Sanju to keep his love life on right track.
On the other hand Purab comes to Disha’s house. He sees Disha standing alone at the window as she feels alone on the occasion of Diwali. Purab knocks on the door. Disha actually gets delighted to see him. Both of them wish ‘Happy Diwali’ to each other. Disha asks him to come inside. Disha behaves nicely with Purab. She asks Purab to be comfortable and goes inside. By that time Veronica calls Disha. Purab tries to call Disha to take the call but she doesn’t hear that. Purab sees a lot of missed calls on Disha’s mobile. Again Veronica keeps calling Disha. So Purab picks up the call. Then he learns that Veronica is going to marry Hritik and Disha doesn’t love Hritik. On the other hand Vikram sees Pallavi and his mother getting along with each other very nicely, like earlier. He wonders about it. So he keeps on provoking Pallavi by praising his mother over her. This time his plan works as Pallavi and his mother start fighting over him.
Vikram is happy as he won the challenge that Ranbir gave him. But Ranbir tells him that he had a challenge with his Dadi and mother which he has lost now as they will fool Vikram. Ranbir asks for Vikram’s credit card as he won the challenge with Vikram. Vikram denies giving him the card. But Pallavi and Bijee snatch the card and give it to Ranbir. Pallavi and Bijee warn Vikram for not trying to create tiffs between them. After a moment, Aliya asks Vikram whether he saw Purab as she doesn’t find him anywhere. Aliya gets very panic. Meanwhile, Disha serves some sweets for Purab. He tells her that he has something to ask her. Suddenly a strong wind starts. Disha runs to close the window else all the diyas will blow off. But Purab notices that she is not able to close the window due to the wind. So helps her in the same. While doing so he holds Disha, Disha likes his touch.
Both of them keep staring at each other for a while. Then Purab asks Disha about the lie she said to him about Hritik. But by that time Aliya calls up Purab. Disha hands over the mobile to him. Purab attends the call but Purab lies to her saying that he has come out to have the fresh air. He asks Disha if he can stay in her house for a while as he is feeling fresh. Disha allows for the same. Aliya becomes suspicious if Purab is with Disha. So she leaves to check it out. While leaving she bumps with Prachi and humiliates Prachi in anger. On the other hand, Sarita and Shahana are waiting for Rishi. While they are discussing about Rishi, Priyanka overhears the conversation. She gets very angry. She also wonders to see Aliya going out. Aliya indulges in a short fight with Shahana too while leaving. Sarita and Shahana make fun of Aliya. Priyanka is waiting for her plan to work which will make Shahana cry.

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