MUMBAI: The journey to find the next Supermodel of the year has begun on MTV’s Supermodel of The Year. The last shortlist task was quite edgy had took a toll on the contestants however, they braved the situation and how.
The task was to face the camera without make-up in a black and white portrait and let their hearts out about the difficulties that they’ve faced in life.
While Yukti and Drisha revealed that they were sexually harassed, Renee spoke about the difficulties she faced because of their dark skin colour. One of the contestants whose story really touched the hearts of judges was Eashita Bajwa. Eashita’s father was an alcoholic. She expressed that she has seen a lot of violence since her young age which used to affect her mentally. She proudly stated that she is a depression survivor and also motivated the viewers to speak and seek help about depression.
Post the telecast, Eashita took to Instagram and posted a long message for the fans who supported and send her good wishes and also for a few people who though she went a little overboard.
Have a look at the post:
We’re sure Eashita’s courage to speak up will surely motivate the viewers to talk about everything that’s troubling them mentally.
You go girl!

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