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Sat, 04/26/2014 - 14:28

The context of this week’s episode of Dr B K Modi’s Buddha – Rajaon Ka Raja on Zee TV is huge as Siddhartha (Himanshu Soni) will get enlightenment and will have a face lift, with a very positive aura coming out of him!!
Yes, the moment has finally come for Siddhartha wherein he will turn into Buddha. And incidentally, the day on which Siddhartha will get enlightenment will be the same day of his birth, that is Vishaka Poornima.
Here is the gist of the happenings in Buddha this weekend.
Siddhartha will be sure that he is travelling on the right path to seek answers. And his confidence will be boosted when Sujata (Piyali Munshi) will offer him kheer in a golden bowl. Siddhartha will recollect that all the Buddha in the past were given their last meal in a golden bowl. So in order to check whether he will get his answers on the day, he will go to the river side and would throw the bowl in the water. He would tell himself that he would become Buddha on that very day if his bowl would go upstream, without going with the current. He will be astonished to see his bowl rapidly move upstream and will soon get into a whirlpool and will land at the area where the other Buddhas’ bowls have been thrown away.
A confidence personified Siddhartha will sit under the tree to attain supreme knowledge. And his meditation which would last for 40 days will see him conquering ignorance by means of the Noble Eightfold Path. After learning that understanding is the key to liberation, Siddhartha would attain success in his Noble Path which he would call as ‘Aryamarga’. With each realization, the images formed around Siddhartha would dissolve and he will develop a bun on his head. Thus he will be taken to the path of enlightenment after sitting under the pipal tree.
Siddhartha on awakening, would know that he has found his way and his heart would be at ease now as now he would be Buddha.
We tried getting the thoughts of Ridhwana, Creative Producer, Buddha on the episode of Siddhartha’s enlightenment, but could not reach through to her.
Get ready to watch this path-breaking episode in Siddhartha’s life.







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