has been reporting about the mishaps that have occurred on the sets of Imagine’s <a href=>Chandragupta Maurya</a> (read <a href=>Ashish Sharma</a> almost breaking his nose and also him getting a bad bruise on his cheek). And now it is <a href=>Sooraj Thapar</a> who got injured on the sets of this show.
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Sat, 04/07/2012 - 17:38 has been reporting about the mishaps that have occurred on the sets of Imagine’s Chandragupta Maurya (read Ashish Sharma almost breaking his nose and also him getting a bad bruise on his cheek). And now it is Sooraj Thapar who got injured on the sets of this show.
Incidentally, Sooraj who plays Dhananand in this Imagine series was shooting for a scene wherein his character was in a drunken state. And Sooraj, the dedicated actor that he is, decided to give his best for this scene. However, this turned out to be a bit ugly for him. Read on to find out how.
Sooraj was supposed to fall in between two tables which were covered with a silk tablecloth. And the actor, who wanted to give his best shot, just fell in between these tables. Sadly, for him, the nails of these tables were popping out and the actor got hurt. spoke to Sooraj Thapar to know about the incident and he shares, “Yes, I got injured during the shoot because when I am in the flow (of acting), I give my best shot. So while I was doing this specific shot, I just fell between the tables (to make the fall look real) and in the bargain I injured my leg.”
However, there was some confusion on the sets too. “Initially, I thought I injured only one leg and hence when the doctor came I got it treated. But, when I went back to continue the shoot, one of the production guys noticed that the other leg was bleeding too.” And the other leg was also treated.
But in spite of having got bruises on both his legs, Sooraj is all smiles: “It is part and parcel of our job. We, as actors, have to do justice to the character we are playing and at times we have to go through such experiences.”
That’s like a real warrior, Sooraj.







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