MUMBAI: Tonight, the drama unfolds as Sodhi gets drunk at Harmeet's party, falling right into Harpreet’s clever plan. With Bhide and Popatlal entrusted to handle the situation, panic strikes when they realize Sodhi is missing! The duo frantically searches the bar and the parking area, fearing how they’ll explain this to Roshan.
Where could Sodhi have gone? Will they find him before Roshan discovers the truth?
Don’t miss the hilarity and suspense tonight on Sony SAB TV from 8:30 PM to 9:00 PM!
Recap of the Previous Episode:
The party turned chaotic when Harmeet’s playful drink-swapping left everyone, except Bhide and Popatlal, inebriated. Desperate for help, they urged Harmeet to come to Sodhi’s house to explain the mix-up to Roshan. However, Harmeet refused, leaving a drunk Sodhi in their care. The duo worried about how they’d manage Roshan’s wrath.
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