MUMBAI: Sadhguru keeps his date with Bollywood and this time it is the effervescent Pallavi Joshi who brings the modern day mystic to face some hard questions on camera.
Speaking about her experience talking with Sadhguru, actor Pallavi Joshi stated, “It is a memorable encounter. I felt like an ocean of composure after the interview. He gave absolutely precise answers from a spiritual dimension in such a simplified manner that long debates and data would fail to explain. In one word, I would say it was fulfilling. If you watch the interview you will know what I mean”.
He spoke very passionately about education, condemning the compulsory education system which emulates industrialisation where human beings are put into assembly lines to come out as a certain kind of product. Another topic that Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev deliberated on is Water Crisis other than the over arching moot point of Hindu religion and spirituality.

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