MUMBAI: After spending about three weeks in custody over his alleged involvement in a drug bust case, Shah Rukh Khan’s son Aryan Khan was finally granted bail last week by the Bombay High Court. The youngster reached home just in time to celebrate his dad’s birthday and the festivities of Diwali season with family.
Now, according to the bail conditions in his drug case, Aryan is required to go to the NCB office to mark his attendance and today, the youngster was spotted at the NCB office for the same. Aryan left from his Bandra home, Mannat around 11.30 am to reach the South Mumbai office in his white car.
Aryan was dressed in a t-shirt and jeans coupled with a bright yellow jacket and as soon as he reached the office, he was swarmed by cameras and media personnel waiting to ask him questions. However, the youngster just headed straight into the office to complete the official formalities.
The youngster was granted bail by the Bombay High Court last Friday and was allowed to walk free on October 30, on a personal bond of Rs 1 lakh. In five-page order issued by the High Court, there were 14 conditions listed for his bail. One of them included him marking his attendance at the NCB's office every Friday between 11 am-2 pm.
Aryan is also not allowed to leave Mumbai without informing the police and is also prohibited form talking to the media, other co-accused in the case and get involved in any similar activities in the future.
Also read: Happiness! Finally Aryan Khan walks out of Arthur Road jail, here are the pictures
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