MUMBAI: Khushi Kapoor, the rising star of Bollywood and younger daughter of the legendary Sridevi, is all set to make her big-screen debut with Loveyapa, a romantic drama that promises to tug at heartstrings. Starring opposite Aamir Khan's son, Junaid Khan, the film is generating significant buzz as fans eagerly await the fresh pairing on the silver screen.
In a recent interview, Khushi shared her thoughts on preparing for the role and how the process differed from her past projects. Reflecting on the unique demands of the film, she said, “The stories and worlds I think were very different for both of us, so I guess the prep is different for every film in general anyway. It depends on the director and the skills that you need to specifically prepare for your project. And I think with this one, it was a lot about the banter between the two people for me. For me, at least, I think it was more specific to the characters and the readings because we didn’t have a lot of breaking into song and dance or anything for this one. So I think in that sense, it was more about cracking our characters’ relationship.”
Loveyapa, set in the realm of modern romance, offers a heartwarming tale enriched with unforgettable performances, lively music, and breathtaking visuals. Celebrating love in all its shades, the film is poised to resonate with audiences of all ages. Loveyapa is poised to be one of 2025’s most exciting cinematic offerings. Mark your calendars for 7th February 2025 to embark on this enchanting journey of love!
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