MUMBAI: After the release of Hanu Man, Mythri left the audience in absolute astonishment by unveiling the first look of Jai HanuMan, featuring National Award winner Rishab Shetty as Lord Hanuman. As a crucial part of the Prasanth Varma Cinematic Universe (PVCU), the film continues to heighten excitement levels, with audiences eagerly awaiting more updates on this cinematic marvel. Amidst the growing anticipation, the makers have now released the theme song, which perfectly captures the power, strength, dignity, and loyalty that Lord Hanuman embodies.
Taking to their social media, the makers shared theme song and jotted down the caption -
Even in the darkest age, his loyalty shines unbroken ~ A silent vow held for his prabhu, Shri Ram
Unveiling the #JaiHanumanFirstlook Theme Song on this auspicious occasion of DIWALI
Team #JaiHanuman wishes you all very #HappyDiwali
ing National Award Winning Actor @shetty_rishab
A @PrasanthVarma Grand Vision
@MythriOfficial @ThePVCU"
Producers Naveen Yerneni and Y. Ravi Shankar, known for their commitment to quality, assure that Jai HanuMan will showcase unparalleled production values and top-notch technical standards like never before.
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