The Kothari family, which includes Prem's relatives, appears to be the nation's largest diamond dealers. Rahi and Anupama will be thrilled to get the chance to prepare food for the family puja.
Prathna appears to be the daughter of Parag Kothari and she married Gautam. In order to gain access to the Kothari family's inner circle, Gautam would come off as a haughty and conceited man who doesn't love or respect Prathna.
The Kothari family appears to have hosted a Makar Sankranti celebration at their home. Since no one has ever overcome Parag Kothari, he will be referred to as the invincible kite flyer.
Since the mother and daughter would be treated like servants by the Kothari family members and Parag Kothari will be seen hurling money at them, making them feel even worse, it appears that Rahi and Anupama will have a very unpleasant experience with the Kothari family.
It appears like Rahi and Anupama will have the chance to work at Kothari House, which will be very significant for Anupama because it's a very large order and she stands to make a lot of money.