MUMBAI: World Hindi Day, also known as Vishwa Hindi Diwas, is celebrated annually on January 10. This day commemorates the historic occasion when Hindi was first spoken at the United Nations General Assembly in 1949. In India, however, Hindi remains one of the most commonly used languages for communication. To honour and celebrate this special day, Abhishek Sharma from Zee TV’s Vasudha talks about having the privilege of working in the industry where the Hindi language plays an important role. Here’s what he has to say…
Abhishek Sharma, who essays the role of Devansh Singh Chauhan in Zee TV’s Vasudha, said “Hindi is more than just a language for me; it’s a bridge that connects me to my roots and culture. Growing up, Hindi was the language of my family, my stories, and my traditions. As an actor, I feel privileged to work in an industry where Hindi plays such a pivotal role in reaching millions of hearts across the globe. On World Hindi Day, I urge everyone to take pride in this beautiful language, which has a rich heritage and the power to convey emotions so effectively. Let’s preserve and promote Hindi not just in India but globally, as it is our identity and a testament to our incredible cultural diversity.”
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