It is said that experiences make a person stronger and confident to face problems boldly. The same can be said of popular actress Sneha Wagh, who has been speaking up on how women can stand up for themselves and not give way for the gender gap that prevails in today’s society.
Before we get into particulars in a conversation with Sneha, have a look at her thought-provoking messages that she has put up on social networking platforms.
Talking about her ideology, Sneha told us, “I started writing about it on Facebook and Instagram a month or two before. These are not feminist thoughts, and not only about women empowerment. It’s mostly about equality, and I am boosting my thoughts this way.We live in a society where there is no equality, and I feel that women can definitely be treated better. Women just need more respect, more understanding and good behaviour. And I am not bashing men. There is a very thin line and women need to know that they need to be treated better.”
When asked whether all this stems out of her personal problems related to her marriages, and she explained, “Don’t get me wrong. All of my problems have made me grow better as a person. Instead of being viewed only as a glamorous beauty, the idea is to spread good will and help empower women and do something good for them. If you see, I have gotten lot of followers who look up to me. If you see, I have always played characters which are very strong.”
So do you help them out by interacting with them over their problems? “No, I am bit scared to interact with fans on such platforms. My Facebook account got hacked a year back, and that has made me all the more conscious. Yes, in the new future, I want to set up a platform wherein I can address people’s problems. Actually when I started writing about it on FB a month back, I got comments from men which were not good at all. They felt I was bashing men. But people need to understand that I am just trying to give tips to women. I don’t want women to suffer, and that is my motive behind doing all this.”
Lastly, we asked Sneha about her new and unique hair-do which is a typical African style. “It is called braiding, which is an African style. It was a very painful process undertaking it. I could not sleep the whole night when I got it done. But the best part is that I need not comb my hair, or take care of the conditioning. It will remain intact for months together. Its just been few days since I got it done. I simply love it. It is revolutionary, and I am fascinated with my new look.”
Way to go, Sneha!!

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