MUMBAI: On January 19, 2025, the film industry lost a remarkable artist and a kind-hearted soul, Yogesh Mahajan. The actor, who played the role of Shukracharya in the popular show Shiv Shakti: Tap Tyaag Taandav, passed away after suffering a sudden cardiac arrest in Umbergaon. His untimely death has left his co-stars and the entire production team in shock.
Actor Srikant Dwivedi, who recently lead the show Lakshmi Narayan and currently plays the role of Lord Vishnu in the mythological show, ‘Shiv Shakti-Tap Tyag Tandav’ shared his deep sorrow and fond memories of working with co star Yogesh Mahajan, “Yogesh Bhai was an amazing artist and a gem of a person,” Srikant began. “No matter what he was going through in life, he always made the people around him smile. When he came on set, the entire atmosphere would change. He brought humor, joy, and positivity wherever he went”. Yogesh was not just a colleague; he was a friend to all. “He was like family to me,” Srikant continued. “Just the day before yesterday, we were shooting together. He came to me with some amla juice and wanted to share it. Every morning, we used to talk on set, and he would always affectionately call me ‘Srikant Ji’. It felt like a real family bond.” The two actors also lived in the same building in Umergaon. “I stayed on the second floor, and Yogesh Bhai was on the fifth,” Srikant said. “It’s incredibly hard to accept that he’s no longer with us.”
His passing has shaken everyone who knew him. “The news this morning was devastating,” Srikant admitted. “We’re all in shock. The entire production team is still trying to process what has happened. But we know that the show must go on. We continue shooting with heavy hearts.” Despite the sadness, the team is dedicated to supporting Yogesh’s family, especially his young child, who is only six or seven years old. “We are standing together, united, to help his family during this very difficult time,” Srikant added. Yogesh’s legacy will live on in the memories of all who had the privilege of working with him. His kindness, warmth, and infectious laughter will never be forgotten.
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