MUMBAI: The coronavirus has spread widely in China and the condition of Wuhan is sad. There are a few cases that have been reported in India as well. TV actors talk about the precautions they are taking to avoid contracting the disease.
Avinash Mukherjee: Firstly, it is really sad that an epidemic of this stature has affected the major of Asian belt. My condolences to the families of the deceased and prayers for the ones affected. I hope that they recover soon. Having said that, I feel like we should be aware that Indians are in close proximity to China and I personally taking small measures like avoiding public places unless necessary, eating only home-cooked meals. Making sure to wash your hands with soap in regular interval and eating well with green leafy vegetables and fresh citrus fruits which increases immunity.
Sanjay Gagnani: Fortunately and thankfully, we haven't witnessed any such case in our city. I think we are a blessed city with no such cases and that is the reason why our citizens don't feel threatened about this virus. As of now, I am not taking kind of precautions because if we had to take any specific precautions our civic bodies would have had spread awareness regarding this. I feel pretty safe. But I pray and wish that the countries affected by this deadly virus get rid of this virus and all those people who are affected by this virus are able to cure and get rid of it and start living a healthy life.
Heital Puniwala: I am taking precautions like I totally avoid outside food. I haven't had outside food for the last four months. Other than that, whenever I go out, I make sure that I cover my face or mouth with a handkerchief because at times we cannot avoid travelling. The Coronavirus spreads more through the air so we need to stay protective more from polluted air and unhealthy air. Secondly, this virus also spreads through food such as meat, fish, chicken etc. I am a vegetarian but the non-vegetarians especially should take precautions. I try and wear masks and take as many precautions I can.
Mohit Malhotra: I feel that we all should take precautions and make good health and good immunity a priority. I have always given priority to good health, so I eat healthy food and keep my surroundings clean. As it is an airborne virus which spreads instantly, I think keeping sanity around is important. Basic precautions by everyone like covering their nose or mouth while coughing or whenever anyone else is sneezing or coughing, washing hands regularly and keeping hygiene, can be a great initiative, not just for ourselves but even for others which prevent the virus from spreading. And I wish that people who are infected, recover from it and are healthy and hearty soon. I am also hoping for an antidote as a barrier towards spreading of this virus.
Ridheema Tiwari: Every decade or so mother nature tests our immunity and our resilience. This time with the Coronavirus, that has swept across China like a storm, is making many people sick and killing more people than even SARS in 2002-2003. Keeping myself healthy and keeping my immunity strong has been a priority for me always. I eat lots of veggies and fruits, exercise, drink plenty of warm fluids, wash my hands often and most importantly see an Immunology Super specialist, who gives me my timely seasonal vaccines and also puts me on an Immune Detox Diet along with Immune Boosting Natural Supplements. All of this is necessary since the Coronavirus is mostly affecting those with weak immune systems like heart patients, diabetics and those above the age of 55 years.
Nikkhil Arya: Firstly, my parents were to go on a cruise which included a majority of Asian passengers. They had to cancel it out of fear. Frankly, I am worried but I am only keeping the symptoms in mind and am still not taking any precautions because hopefully it still hasn't reached us directly. But the speed at which this is spreading is scary. The Diamond cruise ship on which the Indian crew is crying for help and the death toll it has touched is enormous. America, Australia and European countries have already evacuated/rescued their respective crews. The other scary aspect is the serious conspiracy theories and literature available that China was preparing this virus in Wuhan for "biological warfare" and due to some error, it got leaked within their country. God bless the world!!
Dipna Patel: Not only me but also my friends have restricted their travel plans. Also, recently I took a domestic flight and I made sure I wore a mask. And I’m wearing masks in crowded areas as well, It’s a must. I avoid touching my face when I’m out. I saw very few people wear a mask at the airport. Precaution is always better than cure. But only a few understand this. I have a habit of washing my hands often which is an important precaution. A regular health checkup is a must these days. Also, I’m focusing more on immunity building by increasing more fruits, leafy vegetables, fluid intake and taking my vitamins. Shooting schedules are uncertain and hectic and easily leads to unhealthy eating habits. I’m hoping scientists come up with a cure soon. Also, we should not blindly believe everything on the net. And believe news from official platforms only to create less panic.
Amit Sarine: I was In India recently and I was supposed to travel to Singapore but I delayed my plans to do so and came back to LA. This is a serious threat and must be taken seriously. I am trying to take all possible precautions. I regularly wash my hands and make sure to wear a mask or at least cover my face when I am in crowded areas. I feel it’s very important to take precautions at this stage and protect ourselves.
Amal Sehrawat: I am making sure that I avoid public places and travel as much as possible. It's saddening that humankind is exposed to these sorts of epidemics frequently. Let us all make an effort to respect mother nature more and avoid polluting it, else these kinds of situations are going to eradicate the human race eventually.
Kettan Singh: These are tricky times with an epidemic hitting our neighbour country China. It has globally happened before like SARS and the EBOLA Virus and was controlled in time. I hope China is able to get a grip on this Virus. As for the numbers given by the health commission of China, I don't believe them, the actual numbers are always higher than the official figure given by commission and it’s understandable. Since there is no official list of things to be done and not done, I am taking precautions on my own. Making sure I carry my own water, avoid street food and junk. Someone asked me to avoid non-veg food, but I haven't heard of corona in animals or chicken being the carrier of the virus. I also am avoiding running or taking walk out in the open, or be in a vicinity with a huge crowd. I am still hoping the Government and authorities give an official list of dos and don'ts. Travel plans aren’t affected, I anyway had no plans of China anyway.
Rohitashv Gour: For now, it's not as much issue in India as it hasn't broken down in extremes in India. Some cases are seen in Kerala but even they are under control for now. So, for now, as precautions, if I am travelling in a crowd, for example, while travelling on a plane, I wear a mask. I have also restricted my travelling as well as food intake. I feel that people should also discuss this issue because that is necessary for people to get aware of what is happening nowadays. In cities, it is very common and people are connected so they are aware of many things happening around but the small-town people or villages are not aware of such things. So, it's very important to talk about such issues and spread it to as much as we can.
Simran Bhudarup: It is very sad to hear what is happening in the world. I was supposed to have an international trip but I have postponed it. I am a die-hard non-vegetarian but for the time being, I have stopped eating these things, specially sea-food. I am also avoiding outside food. I have watched a few videos where people are kept on house arrest and no one is picking up dead bodies which is so inhuman. But what else can they do?
Aniruddh Dave: There are a lot of educational videos on YouTube and various platforms which are making people aware of this virus and people should watch them. This is the first step to precaution. I have taken precautions like I was wearing an n95 mask when I was travelling with my family. And I saw most of the people wearing that mask at the airport because the International Airport is a place where there are various people moving around from various countries and we don't know who is carrying what kind of diseases. And airport authorities have done a great job by making it a point that people coming from that part of the world; be it China, Korea, Japan or Hong Kong, are checked properly in a health checkup room created for them separately. I really appreciate the efforts airport health authority and airport authorities are taking to prevent the spread of this deadly virus in our country. We need to be clean, cover our mouths while we sneeze or cough, wear masks and stay aware. There are a lot of myths that the virus has been spread through bats or animals but we need to take precautions from all kinds of diseases. Taking such basic steps would also help us not spread it to others. The antidote is not yet found but I hope we will find it soon.
Mohammad Nazim: Coronavirus has affected so many people in the world until now. The condition of China is so sad right now. I really hope they are able to contain the disease and a cure is found at the earlier. As a precaution, I make sure to maintain cleanliness. I try and avoid non-vegetarian food. I am also avoiding any travel plans and if I have to travel, then I wear a mask.

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