MUMBAI: Amidst the festive cheer of the wedding season, Delhi became the center of an extraordinary celebration as Priya Thakur (Vasudha) and Abhishek Sharma (Devansh), the lead actors of Zee TV's popular show Vasudha, graced the city with their presence. The visit was made even more special by the ongoing wedding track in the show, which has captivated viewers. To mark this joyous occasion, the actors celebrated the mehndi ceremony of their on-screen characters, Vasudha and Devansh, with their fans. What unfolded was not just an event but a heartfelt gathering that brought fans closer to their favourite stars, creating unforgettable memories that blurred the line between reel and real life.
Female fans gathered in large numbers to meet their beloved stars and actively participated in the celebrations, making it a family-like affair. Adding a playful twist, the attendees were divided into ladke wale and ladki wale teams, competing in lively games like antakshari and more. The fans also got an opportunity to create mehndi designs alongside the actors, making it a day filled with joy, laughter, and unforgettable memories.
Priya Thakur said “It’s truly heartwarming to witness the overwhelming love and support our characters Vasudha and Devansh have received from the audience. Being able to celebrate this mehndi ceremony with our fans in Delhi made me realize how deeply connected they feel to our journey. The joy and warmth they brought to this event made it an experience I will always treasure. It felt as if we were celebrating with an extended family, and their enthusiasm made this moment even more meaningful for me.”
Abhishek Sharma said “The energy and excitement of our fans at the event were infectious, making the mehndi ceremony feel even more vibrant and lively. Sharing this beautiful journey of Vasudha and Devansh’s wedding with the people who have constantly supported us has been nothing short of an incredible experience. It’s moments like these that remind me why we do what we do—to bring joy and connection into people’s lives. I feel truly fortunate to have been part of such a memorable celebration with our amazing fans.”
The show Vasudha, with its gripping storyline and relatable characters, continues to win hearts across the country. This mehndi celebration in Delhi was a testament to the strong connection the actors have with their Fans.
Stay tuned to Zee TV’s Vasudha as the wedding festivities of Vasudha and Devansh unravel more drama and excitement. Watch Vasudha every day at 10:00 PM only on Zee TV!
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