MUMBAI: Pavail Gulatie is awaiting the release of his upcoming film 'Deva', which will see him sharing the screen space with Shahid Kapoor. Recently, the actor graced the trailer launch event and opened up about his equation with his co-star Shahid Kapoor. He shared, "On the sets, my food was sponsored by Shahid Kapoor. Shahid has got food for me for around 10-15 days. He used to get me tiffins, bouffet, and he was kind enough to get food for me, which was lovely."
Pavail Gulatie added, "Our bromance on-screen was fantastic because we got along very well off-screen. I met Shahid before we shot 10 days before Diwali. That's the time I told him that I'd grown up copying his dance steps. And I joined Shiamak because Shahid was in Shiamak. I have always been a big fan of his, and Rosshan sir. Siddharth (Roy Kapur) was the first person who called me after 'Thappad' released, and it was the biggest thing. I have worked with a wonderful crew, and Shahid is literally the backbone of this."
Pavail Gulatie will be seen playing the role of a police officer in 'Deva', a Rosshan Andrrews directorial. Apart from Shahid Kapoor, Pavail Gulatie will also be seen alongside Pooja Hegde. Boasting intense action sequences, gripping narrative, and massy elements, 'Deva' is poised to be one of the biggest entertainers of 2025. On this note, the film is slated to land in theatres on January 31.
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