MUMBAI: TV actors talk about how they are taking care of their mental health in the current scenario of corona scare.
1)Amrita Prakash- I'm constantly working on my mental health as much as keeping my physical health in check, through this time. I think they're both interdependent. I plan workouts for my mental health as well. I read a lot and also write articles and stubs to create enough stimuli to keep my mind engaged and active. Also, I'm using this time to nurture myself, my family and my home. I cook every day, clean the house, tend to my garden, play games and spend time with my parents.
2)Sanjay Gagnani- We humans tend to ignore mental health and only concentrate on physical wellbeing. Without good mental health, we can't be physically strong. Good mental health comes from happiness, so do all the things that keep you happy. While everyone is under self-quarantine, one feels low in spirit. You can cope up with spending time with family, not stepping out of the house, not inviting friends over, speaking to friends over a call, playing some indoor sports, take up new skills…anything that makes you feel good about life. Watch films that are high on optimism, feel-good movies, books, music which have a feel-good factor to them. I start my day with jogging, playing cricket with my cousins and brother as I live in a joint family, followed by binge-watching web series, playing basketball, playing indoor games such as Ludo. I keep myself busy throughout the day. I also work out, do functional training, cardio on my house terrace.
3)Sanjay Gandhi--Due to this corona scare, the self-isolation period seems a necessity rather than some self-imposed break. This is the best time to bond with your family, catch up on things you have been meaning to do, sleep well and help family members in household chores. Most important is to remember to stay calm and stay put.
4)Vijayendrea Kumeria- I am trying to keep myself busy in this phase of self-quarantine; I'm trying to remain positive. I am also spending time with my wife and daughter, playing games. I am doing things that I like to do but with busy schedules, I'm not able to do normally. I am painting, cooking, reading and writing. I am also connecting with my friends and family through video calls Most importantly, I don’t panic by reading messages on social media.
5)Shashank Vyas- First and foremost, avoid news on Corona, especially from unconfirmed sources. For my mental health, the idea is to keep it engaged, so I enjoy reading non-fiction. I'm also not trying to understand the origin of Corona, too many theories are going around. I'm trying my best to boost my immune system and practice meditation that gives peace.
6)Rishna Kandhari- Our mind is very amazing; it can create a miracle or a mess for a person. It is a known fact that what you think is what you become. You have to take charge of it and make it obey how you want it to function. I always find an optimistic viewpoint in a negative situation. Being positive gives me hope and confidence in my ability to handle what’s tough, along with remembering that nothing is all negative, all the time. I read good books both fiction and self-help by various authors. Right now, I am reading ‘Inner engineering’ by Sadhguru. I work out at home, cook, meditate, play with pets, do my riyaaz on harmonium and now I'm learning the guitar online. If you can’t go outside, go inside. Practice meditation and try to relax your mind, feed it with positive thoughts. The more you talk about a bad thing, the more energy you will give to it. Turn your focus on the right thing and you’ll start to see the difference.
7)Aparna Dixit- I feel in a situation like this, mental care is as important as physical care. People are running out of patience, it’s important to keep your hopes up! Be aware but don't panic, remember we can go through anything together. I am sure this too shall pass. Till then meditate, read positive books, try watching light-hearted series. I am taking care of my body, practicing Yoga, cooking (which is very therapeutic), watching series and old movies, constantly talking to my family and loved ones.
8)Amal Sherawat--This time shall be used for introspection and retrospection, the best way to do that is meditation. Everyone should do meditation and spend the rest of the time with family.
9)Vikas Sethi- Being with family helps me keep my mental health in check. There is nothing to get scared of. Simply take precautions and be at home. Exercise, meditate, cook, do what you like to do the most. Study some online courses and enhance your skills.
10)Ashish Mehrotra-I believe one's mental state is in one's own hand. When you see chaos outside, it is bound to disturb your inner well-being, like in these trying times of COVID-19. In such cases, it is best to keep busy and especially when one is homebound, one can meditate, do Yoga. I start my day with voice training and chanting, then I do my daily household chores. I catch up on movies and web-series.
11)Arif Zakaria- I haven't yet lost my mental health but I will soon, I guess like the rest of us. Staying calm and positive and figuring a list of grocery stores around, sourcing ration is what I am busy with. One can't do much in these extraordinary circumstances. Think positive, channel inner strength and live each day at a time. I keep myself busy by watching films, listening to music and calls to neighbours.
12)Dipna Patel- Mental well-being is extremely important. I’m with my parents in my hometown Baroda. At home, my dad sings and I play the keyboard. I have a pet and I take care of his needs. I'm learning some new cuisines from my mom. I make video calls to my friends to stay positive during this time. At the moment I’m reading this
Book called "Making the Impossible Possible" and I'm very positive that things will get better soon if we strictly follow the curfews, lockdowns, and take the necessary precautions. We should also think about the doctors and nurses and their family and their mental health at this hour and keep them in our prayer.
13)Rahul Sharma- I am a religious and spiritual person and I do my prayers and follow rituals of the family. Meditation is something I can't miss and these things make my mind calm and help me tide over difficult times.
14)Arjun Bijlani- These are the times to be calm and spread awareness. Mental health plays a very important role and this is one of the worst situations humanity has ever seen, so let's be together in this with each other.
15)Shivin Narang- This is a tough time for all of us and by being at home, we will be helping each other in the prevention of Corona. When you are home and all by yourself, take this time and make it count by being productive. Do what you love to do the most. Be in the moment. Don't forget to be in a gratitude mode for our doctors and government who are taking care of all of us.
16)Jasmine Bhasin- I'm organizing my life under self-isolation and also trying to stay positive. Cooking has been therapeutic for me and also, I'm doing some decluttering which has been long overdue.
17)Kunal Thakur- There is a lot of time in hand so people are feeling anxious. There are a series of activities that you can do for your mental well-being like reading, watch shows, cook food so basically keep it, going folks.
18)Himanshu Malhotra- This is a time that tests our mental toughness and it is important to be in self-isolation. I like stillness and silence so one can reflect. This is a time when external factors are not going to support us so the best thing is to stay inside. Work on yourself, think of things you can do in the near future, time to self enhance by reading books, having conversations, working on your goals. This is kind of Vipassana for all of us so treat it like that. Take it as a much-needed break and give attention to your family, do workouts together, know each other, revive your bonds with family and friends.

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