SAB TV’s Ichhapyaari Naagin (Priyal Gor), is resolute on her mission to change the perspective of humans.
However, she will get into trouble when Kaushalya Devi (Farida Dadi) will doubt that Ichha might be a Naagin and would ask Bubble (Mishkat Verma) to find out the truth.
The trouble would arises when Chirmiri (Onisha Sharma), a Naagin who is adamant about spoiling Ichha’s mission will convert into Appu’s school teacher and will complain to Dadi about his friendship with Ichhadhari Naagin.
On the contrary, she will threaten the real teacher and principal to be nice with Appu (Sadhil Kapoor) or she will harm them. The terrified principal and teacher will go to Prataap family and apologize for saying wrong things about Naagins.
Seeing the situation, Dadi will get suspicious and will doubt that Ichha might be a Naagin as she is unfamiliar and would ask Bubble to get a mongoose to find her real identity.
Bubble, who doesn’t want to harm anyone, will get a fake mongoose but unknown to his knowledge Sabal (Rakshit Pant) and Prabal (Praveen Sirohi) will replace the toy with an original mongoose.
How will Ichha save herself from this situation? Will Prataap’s find out the Ichha’s real identity?
Sharing her insights on the latest track, Priyal Gor shared, “This time Ichha seems to be caught in a quandary. Whilst, Bubble doesn’t want to rock the boat, Dadi seems adamant to find out the truth. Moreover, this track is particularly interesting as Bubble is torn between finding out the truth and worried that the truth might hurt him.”

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