MUMBAI: The brutal rape and murder of Hyderabad doctor Priyanka Reddy have left the country shocked. Here is what TV actors have to say about this heinous crime.
Vaishali Takkar: I heard about the incident and it saddens me and also makes me angry. Our law should hang these culprits to death and anybody, I think it's high time we should not even spare a juvenile in such case.
Shashank Vyas: It's shocking. The culprits should be hanged within a week to set an example. It's disturbing and can't be tolerated. It's very very sad.
Ssharad Malhotra: I came to know about the Hyderabad incident. It's such an inhuman act. The very thought of raping and burning someone alive after rape is painful. The death penalty is a must.
Avinash Mishra: I really wonder where our country is heading in terms of security for women. The caught criminals should be hanged in the next three days.
Malhar Pandya: I was in shock when I heard about it. It left me numb that we as a society and as humans have failed. The culprits should be given the most brutal punishment and nobody should be spared. I cannot believe what would have been their thought process. It is just really shocking and gives me anger. I cannot even describe it.
Ankit Siwach: I am stunned and am wondering what's going on. What would be the mindset of people doing such brutal crimes? We really need to increase psychologists and psychiatrists in every city and offer free counseling sessions to address the problem at the root level.
Jasmin Bhasin: It is an unimaginably cruel act. The safety of women is a big priority in India everywhere. I don't know how will her family bear this loss. This needs to stop here and now. Within the next three days, the criminals should be hanged.
Adaa Khan: This brutal rape and murder is unacceptable. The safety of women has to be addressed on an immediate basis. Collectively each and every citizen should raise their voice against such a crime. The criminals should be punished and an example should be set.
Rakhi Vijan: The very thought of Priyanka Reddy's case is unnerving. Women safety issue needs to be addressed on an immediate basis. The culprits can't go scot-free. Justice should happen on priority.

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